

We are focused on the promotion and transfer of quality strategies to the African education sector.
At UKAPES, we offer services for African education authorities and private education providers on skills and pedagogy practice to:

  • improve education quality on the continent
  • transfer teaching and learning strategies from the UK to Africa
  • raise education equity for African youths
  • influence education policy
  • enforce positive change in African originated curriculum
  • mobilise scholastic skills and resources from experienced Diasporeans to Africa.



Inclusive of our objectives is a recent review by our founders who partnered with highly experienced media trainers  to provide the following services:

  • create a professional media strategy that’s suitable for your school/organisation
  • deliver media training for effective appearances for yourself and your staff on TV, radio and online
  • write successful press releases : equip you with storytelling skills for writing effective press releases that will attract the world’s attention
  • design a publicity campaign around a specific project or to achieve a specific short-term aim
  • support you with the highest quality of expertise in dealing with both national and international media
  • organise effective PR and damage control in the event of a crisis.