Promoting Safeguarding in Nigeria by Yemi Ebulu

Saffron Social Development Global Foundation is at the forefront of safeguarding and child protection in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole. Generic safeguarding being at the heart of the foundation, with an insatiable appetite and passion for safeguarding children.

It has indeed been an interesting 3 years so far in Nigeria, and a really challenging time promoting the safeguarding agenda, especially as children’s services are only delivered at state level and yet to be developed within the local government councils.

Saffron, very passionate about its ‘Safeguarding the Nigerian Child’ initiative (SNC) initiative, is registered with the United Nations (UN) partnership towards achieving the Global Sustainable Developmental Goals.
In recent times, Saffron Social Development Global Foundation was confirmed as a member of the ‘Global Partnership on ‘Ending Child Violence’.

Our safeguarding advocacy activities for policy development, research and sustaining social work systems, subsequently, facilitated our invitation to sit on the Lagos State Safeguarding and Child Protection Committee, enabling Saffron to be instrumental in supporting the committee to write the first ‘Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy’.

Saffron continues to steer integration and many partnership programs in collaboration with the private sector, state governments, NGOs, international partners in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and the Global Village; drawing up a common front, to improving the safety, health and well-being of all children in Nigeria, by taking every action to promote their welfare, to protect them from harm, maltreatment and every form of abuse; enabling all children to grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care bringing about the best outcomes.

Saffron SDGF recently delivered a workshop titled Ensuring Schools meet up with Quality Assurance Goals in Safeguarding. The workshop was presented and driven by skilled Safeguarding and Child Protection Specialist front line Practitioners with years of experience and knowledge on various issues concerning the development and protection of children, young people and families!

It is Saffron’s vision for Nigeria and indeed the whole of Africa to establish a workable children’s services department to identify cases of abuse and maltreatment and strategise effectively to curb the menace so as to create a safe environment for young people.

For more information on training sessions, click Saffron’s facebook page

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